Nov 20, 2022

Introduction to PHP

PHP is a server-side and general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development.

PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page. However, now, it stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It’s a recursive acronym because the first word itself is also an acronym.

PHP was created by in 1994. It’s currently maintained by the .

PHP is a server-side language

When you open a website on your web browser, for example,

The web browser sends an HTTP request to a web server where locates. The web server receives the request and responds with an HTML document.

In this example, the web browser is a client while the web server is the server. The client requests for a page, and the server serves the request.

PHP runs on the web server, processes the request, and returns the HTML document.

PHP is a general-purpose language

When it comes to the purpose of the programming languages, there are two main types: domain-specific and general-purpose languages.

The domain-specific languages are used within specific application domains. For example, SQL is a domain-specific language. It’s used mainly for querying data from relational databases. And SQL cannot be used for other purposes.

On the other hand, PHP is a general-purpose language because PHP can develop various applications.

PHP is a cross-platform language

PHP can run on all major operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS.

You can use PHP with all leading web servers such as Nginx, OpenBSD, and Apache. Some cloud environments also support PHP like Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS.

PHP is quite flexible. It’s not just limited to processing HTML. PHP has built-in support for generating PDF, GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.

One notable feature of PHP is that it supports many databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, db2, Oracle Database, and MongoDB.



Web Developer and Graphic Designer

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