Nov 20, 2022

Intro to JavaScript

Welcome! In this introductory section, you'll learn everything there is to know about the most popular programming language in recent history! Before we start let's quickly learn what exactly JavaScript is and why you need to learn it if you want to be a professional developer.

So, What is javaScript?

JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. The overwhelming majority of modern websites use JavaScript, and all modern web browsers - on desktops, game consoles, tablets, and smartphones - include JavaScript interpreters, making it the most present programming language in history.

It's purpose is to infuse websites and web applications with interactivity!

From simple features, such as neat visual effects or displays of the current time and date to more sophisticated uses such as data fetching, chatrooms, browser games, web servers & even the creation of entire interfaces for things such as social media networks.

Because of this, JavaScript is one of the three technologies that every web developer, whether they do it for a living or as a hobby, should learn.You learn HTML to create your website's content, CSS to give it a professional appearance, and JS to give it behaviors and make it live!

So, what are some examples of JavaScript usage that I can see today?

It would be harder to find a service that doesn't use it. Have you ever talked to anyone using the text and voice chat application Discord?

A lot of its amazing features, such as bots are programmed using javascript and its desktop application is made using a javascript runtime, with which they easily ported every feature of the web application straight to your computer!

Did you watch a show on netflix recently? Several javascript frameworks were used to build the applications' interface and achieve quicker startup times!

What about paypal transactions? Did you know their site uses javascript for various components of its checkout system?

Ever visit an impressive portfolio, with images flying in and out of view based on how far down you scroll, elements gradually popping in and out as you make your way through the site? That was most likely done with javascript as well.

In fact, let's take this back even further. Have you ever used a gallery on a website before? One that overlaid images on your screen, allowing you to scroll through picture after picture?

I'm sure you can guess what technology helped develop that! It's everywhere

So what is the conclusion?

Whether you're someone looking to gain knowledge that could land them a great job, a hobbyist looking for an environment in which to create an amusing project, an artist looking to enhance their presentation website or an entrepreneur prototyping that one web app that could finally push their business into the global public eye of today's competitive industry, simply gaining knowledge of this language will give you a better opportunity at perfecting anything you might aspire to in the world of web development.

You've come till here, which means that you're truly interested in what javascript has to offer.

Most people are struggling with javascript because they wander around the internet, from one incomplete youtube video to another, from one shallow blog post to another. They don't have a plan. And that's the main problem that the complete path to javascript mastery solves.

It has a comprehensive curriculum that starts with fundamentals and gradually progresses to extremely complex topics.



Web Developer and Graphic Designer

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